7 Tips For Making Better Product Videos

It goes without saying that product videos are highly efficient in boosting sales conversions and further building a larger client base. While a picture might be able to speak significantly to people, you wouldn’t want to underestimate just how powerful video is in advertising your brand.

Moreover, the impressive thing about videos is that they very smartly illustrate your products as well as allow you to generate more traffic to your website. However, several elements go hand in hand in ensuring that your product videos are as aesthetically-pleasing and informative as possible. Here are 5 tips that you should utilize to create more enhanced product videos.

1. Good Lighting is Essential

Contrary to popular belief, it’s never too much light when you’re filming your product videos until you know how to tone down the settings. Good light unquestionably makes a significant difference in enhancing the quality of your product video. It not only offers a professional touch to your product video but further ensures that your video looks nothing less than perfect.

Thus, it should be your priority to focus on good lighting when shooting your videos. If you don’t shoot your video in a setting with vibrant lighting, there’s a high chance that you create a dull video. And this in turn can easily drive away your viewers.

Utilizing natural lighting can do wonders in bringing a smooth finish to your video. When shooting in natural lighting, make sure that you get only the most phenomenal snaps during the morning or evening. Choose a time when the light is much softer on the eyes. Avoid shooting in harsh sunlight as it can cast ugly shadows, thereby ruining the quality of your video. Essentially, make sure that you use the right features and effects to brighten up your video.

2. Choose a High-Quality Editing Software

Well, the technology seems to evolve at a rather rapid pace. Moreover, it has given rise to a multitude of robust online video editors that work exceptionally in offering your videos a professional touch. Do sufficient research to explore a easy video editing software for editing and transitioning your product video.

High-quality editing software plays a crucial role in transforming raw snaps into something exceptional. From adding scene transitions, including stickers and GIFs, incorporating filters and overlays, and much more, good editing software can do you more good than you can possibly imagine.

3. Utilize a Clear and Solid Background

Pay attention to the type of background you use for shooting your video. You don’t want to make your video look cluttered and messy as it will only drive your viewers away. Most experts suggest that a professional video should include a solid-colored background.

This can be anything from a bedsheet, a plain wall, a backdrop paper, and so on. Ensure that all of your subjects are positioned away from the backdrop so that you can avoid any sort of shadow casts on it. Moreover, you can also consider shooting your video in a workplace or professional environment.

4. Do Minimal Editing

Make sure to experiment with different filters and effects. However, it is vital that you don’t go too overboard with your editing. Keep your editing process as simple as possible. Clean and minimalistic editing can do all the magic in making your video look professional and well-designed.

A few things that you should be mindful of include- utilizing noise-canceling your clear up unnecessary background noises, modifying and altering the lighting as per the video requirements, cropping awkward silences, and adding essential transitions and background music.

Video Tutorial: How to Shoot Product Videos on a Budget

5. Do Not Include Shaky Footage

Shaky footage can easily leave your audience annoyed. Take your time to take clear snapshots so that your video includes only the most high-quality pictures. Holding your camera in a steady position can be quite challenging.

Thus, it is a good idea to invest in a tripod or position your camera on a firm surface. Once you position and set up the camera, cut shots without moving the camera constantly. Moreover, you can always make use of video stabilization software to fix the shaky footage.

6. Include Crisp and Clear Audio

Audio is an indispensable aspect of your product video. You must ensure to explore different audio files to find what suits your video the best. Moreover, make sure that your audio doesn’t overlap the voiceover as it will distract your viewers.

The quality of your audio is far more important than the quality of the video. Nobody is interested in watching videos that have very loud audio. Thus, be careful about choosing relevant audio for your product video.

7. Shoot Multiple Shots

Last but not least, you should ensure to take multiple shots when creating your product videos. This way, you will have more options to choose and edit from. Capturing multiple shots is a great way to keep more options handy so that you have the best shot at creating a professional and well-designed video.

Moreover, you can explore a variety of snaps to find that one miraculous aesthetically-pleasing snap that might make all the difference in speaking to your audience.

Bottom Line

Video marketing is an excellent approach to promoting your products and services. Moreover, product videos are quite a catch among viewers as they educate the audience on your products and how to use them. Make sure to do thorough research when planning out your product videos. These were some of the prime tips that you can leverage to create an outstanding product video to convert leads and ultimately increase sales.