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4 Tips to Avoid Expensive Solar Panel Repairs

4 Tips to Avoid Expensive Solar Panel Repairs

Haven’t bought your solar panels yet? Well, there are so many things you need to know about solar panels before making a purchase. But the fact that these devices are pretty low on maintenance can perhaps convince you to go green in your home. However, wear and tear can still reduce power output in the long run, so you’d still be needing the services of a professional specialising in solar repairs Brisbane wide, or wherever you are located in Australia.

Experts say that if only your high-quality solar energy system is installed in the right way, plus giving it a little TLC, then there should be no reason to worry about expensive repairs and maintenance. With safe and efficient functioning, the system can last up to a good 25 to 30 years but an upgrade is needed especially when the panels are nearing their lifespan’s end. Now, what practices should you keep doing in order to steer clear of costly solar panel repairs?

How To Take Care of Your Solar Panels

Here’s how you can show tender, loving care to your solar power system to keep them functioning at maximum efficiency for a long time.

By removing the obstructions like dust, dirt, leaves and other debris, there will be massive exposure of the panels to sunlight which will then be converted into electricity. Basic cleaning simply involves making use of a garden hose plus a bucket of soapy water to thoroughly clean all the obstructions off the panels. Using a high-pressure water sprayer is a big no-no since it is a potential cause of damage.

In case of stubborn grime, hire an expert to do the washing if the panels are on the roof. Never attempt to climb up the roof and do it yourself. But if your panels are installed on the ground, then they’re just easy to clean, however, take caution as there might be pieces of broken glass, big hail, stray bullet shells or sharp rocks on the mount that might injure you while cleaning.

These things can likely cause severe damage and we all know that fixing a broken panel costs much higher than replacing it. Solar experts recommend twice a year of cleaning and as long as the panels are kept out of the shade, they are going to work efficiently.

Prune the nearby trees or vines if any, especially overhanging branches as they have the tendency to fall or if not, birds come and perch then drop their poop over the panels.

If they’re not flashing, it could indicate a hidden issue that will cost you a fortune if not resolved in due time. As long as the green lights keep flashing, there’s nothing to worry about.

Inspect your panels at the usual time every day so that you can easily spot if there’s a problem or changes in their performance. Never leave any issue unresolved for a long time.

To keep your system operating at peak efficiency, check the panels regularly and give them a thorough basic cleaning each time.

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